Please read our privacy policy as stated prior to browsing this website.

We have deep concern about users’ and visitors’ privacy and security; we are determined to take any steps to provide protection to our visitors and users. Also, users will get informed about how we store and collect users’ information when they share it on our website.

Personal Information

‘‘BestBloggingforyou’’ have the rights to collect information when it is solely and willingly shared by the visitors and users. We collect this sort of information when a user registers; fills form in our website and while various exclusive services available at our website.

Some of our feature in this website requires users identity where a user must share their identity in order to get the exclusive service, however, a user also can post anonymously without sharing any information but in this case, our exclusive service will miss out here.

Non-Personal Information

‘’BestBloggingforyou’’ can collect non-personal information, such as, computer type, screen type, browser version, window size, ISP details and other technical information. This kind of information ensures us to analyze the website traffic.


Cookies are the requirement to browse the website with a more user-friendly experience. Cookies at first send a small amount of data to your hard drive to retrieve information about any user and it assists us to provide a more user-friendly experience to the user.

On the other hand, a user can deny accepting cookies as we ask for users consent and you can browse this website as well but in this case, we can’t provide you the enhanced and more user-friendly experience to browse the website.

How this Website Uses the Collected Information
ü  We take the user information to provide the customer a better service and experience and this permits us to act according to the users’ demand accordingly

ü  If a user complies to give out their personal information when promotional services roll out, we use it to send the promotional activities and newsletters and other exciting stuff

How this Website Protects the User Information

‘BestBloggingforyou’ is bound to provide users information safety and strictly prevent any unauthorized access, disclosing user’s information, transaction, and username or password.

How We Share the Collected Data and with Whom

‘BestBloggingforyou’ doesn’t use any personal information of any users to share with third parties for the benefit or use for trading. However, ‘’BestBloggingforyou’’ may associate affiliates, advertising, or other business partners by giving them users non-personal information. We share information user’s information with third parties if they permit us to do so.

Third-Party Websites
While browsing this website users may face popup or promotional advertisements which no way controlled by us, these contents are merely connected to the external sites and it is solely operated through our affiliate, business partners, advertisers, sponsors, and licensors. Users are at their own risk while browsing and interacting with the associated advertisement. We suggest users browse their website after checking their terms and policy.

Change to This Privacy Policy

We suggest users rapidly visit this privacy policy if we make any changes. We cannot inform or announce to users about the changes we make in this privacy policy. So, check the website regularly for updated privacy policy and stay updated.


While you are browsing this website, we understand you comply with the terms and conditions we offer and explained above. If you somehow don’t comply with our privacy policy, you are advised not to browse further. If you continue browsing here that mainly takes us to a conclusion that you agree to our terms and conditions.

Contact Us

If you have any queries regarding the privacy policy, you can connect through our ‘Contact us page.