Christmas misconception

History, Truth & Christmas Misconception

Do you know about Christmas misconception?

When Christmas finally comes, you can see the fluorescent bulb and lights with signs around that reminds you how Jesus is the only reason for this sacred day. Every board, placard, and signs contain sentimental messages to convey to people about the full-day activity.

But do these signs put you in thought about the accurate biblical date of Christmas? How 25th December is Christmas day? What Christmas tree symbolizes? Find these in later sections.

Myths and History about Christmas

Christmas Tree a Symbol of Everlasting Life

December 21st and 22nd are the shortest days and the longest night simultaneously and they are called the winter solstice. The ancient chronographers and people believed that the sun was their god. As the god became ill, winter had come every year to serve the sun god.

It made them celebrate the solstice that the winter would eventually make their sun god recover from illness. Evergreen boughs would revive in trees when the sun god began to recover.

For the honor of Egyptian god called Ra, and Roman god of agriculture, called Saturnalia, ancient people used to decorate all their stuff with evergreen boughs

Egyptians believed that the sign of green boughs was the sign of their god was recovering that representing their triumph of life over death

On the other hand, the Romans believed that solstice was the sole reason for upcoming crops and green fields that was going to grow in summer. So, they used to mark the occasion with green boughs for their temples and homes.

The mysterious Druids, ancient Celts priests used to decorate their homes or temples that represent green boughs as a symbol of everlasting life

The Scandinavian Vikings believed the evergreen boughs were the plant of the sun god, Balder

Christmas Misconception: Jesus Born on 25th December, Truth or not

The church leaders once decided to choose a date for their sacred cult activities while there were many popular and different kinds of celebrations. So, after all, the discussion they chose to celebrate their cult activity on 25th December, 336 A.D. in Rome.

They mainly challenged a rival religion, called the Cult of Mithra, which this secluded community used to celebrate the birth of their god of light on 25th December as well.

There are other theories stated by the church leaders, behind choosing the 25th of December as Christ’s birth date. Such as,

Julius Sextus Africanas, the Christian historian discovered that the date of 25th December as Jesus Christ’s birth was identified a hundred years earlier

Many chronographers believed, as the world was created on March 25th was right after four days later of the spring equinox, a new era has begun since that day

Biblical historians believed that the whole idea of Jesus had also fallen on March 25th and replacing the date nine months later, they identified Jesus’ birth

Christmas is the Top listed Important Day

This one is quite astonishing to many people. Despite Jesus’ birth, enchanting people, gifting, a Christmas tree, a placard, and a gift card, this day is not the most important day at all. People instead love to call ‘Easter’ an important day as it symbolizes Jesus’ eternal life rising from death.

Christmas is definitely a winner in the context of Jesus Christ’s birth but people take Easter more in their hearts. As Jesus promised to live his eternal life resurrecting from death for the whole of humankind, it easily catches all the importance from others.

Moreover, people celebrate Easter over 2 months at a stretch, on the other hand, Christmas barely moves over 7-8 days!  

Using ‘Xmas’ instead of Christmas Considering Disregarding

Removing ‘Christ’ from Christmas is a sin! Is this fact or fake? Many people think removing Christ’ from Christmas is sacrilegious. Replacing Xmas represents secular X that degrades Jesus’ dignity. Is this the truth?

Take a look at the ‘Christmas’ word, the word ‘Christ’ comes from the Greek word “Χριστός” Do you see anything similar? Notice the first letter, ‘X’ and it means, ‘Chi..’  The word, ‘Chi’ writes as ‘X’ in the Roman alphabet.

So, taking all this into account, Xmas in place of Christmas is in no way a demeaning matter rather it’s quite logical.

Facts about Red and White Dress of Father Christmas

  • Many people believe that the traditional red and white dress of Santa symbolizes the red and white colors of a can of coke
  • Santa’s clothing comes from a Dutch Figure Sinterklaas that was also based on Saint Nicholas
  • Santa’s robe was once green but turned red over time

In conclude, Christmas is all about happiness and joyous moments that put us all together in a place. Jesus was a blessing for all humankind, not just for the specific community, that’s why people from all over the world love this day despite all the myths or negativity. People love gift giving, visiting countries like US, presenting different stuff or in some way, weird or funny stuff.

Wish your Christmas and holidays gets all the happy moments and a very merry Christmas to all of you.


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